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ptstring Member List

This is the complete list of members for ptstring, including all inherited members.
assign(ptstring &s, const data_type *buf, size_type len)ptstring [inline]
c_str() constptstring [inline]
clear(ptstring &s)ptstring [inline]
compare(const ptstring &s) constptstring [inline]
compare(const data_type *s, size_type theStart, size_type theLength)ptstring [inline]
compare(size_type theStart, size_type theLength, const data_type *s)ptstring [inline]
empty() constptstring [inline]
find(const ptstring &s) constptstring [inline]
find(const ptstring &s, size_type p) constptstring [inline]
find_first_not_of(const ptstring &s) constptstring [inline]
find_first_of(const ptstring &s) constptstring [inline]
find_last_of(const data_type c)ptstring [inline]
isempty(const ptstring &s)ptstring [inline]
length(const ptstring &s)ptstring [inline]
length() constptstring [inline]
nposptstring [static]
operator!=(const data_type *sc) constptstring [inline]
operator!=(data_type c) constptstring [inline]
operator!=(const ptstring &s) constptstring [inline]
operator+(const data_type *sc) constptstring [inline]
operator+(data_type c) constptstring
operator+(const ptstring &s) constptstring
operator+=(const data_type *sc)ptstring [inline]
operator+=(data_type c)ptstring [inline]
operator+=(const ptstring &s)ptstring [inline]
operator<(const ptstring &s) constptstring [inline]
operator<=(const ptstring &s) constptstring [inline]
operator=(const data_type *sc)ptstring [inline]
operator=(data_type c)ptstring [inline]
operator=(const ptstring &s)ptstring [inline]
operator==(const data_type *sc) constptstring [inline]
operator==(data_type) constptstring
operator==(const ptstring &) constptstring
operator>(const ptstring &s) constptstring [inline]
operator>=(const ptstring &s) constptstring [inline]
operator[](const size_type i)ptstring [inline]
operator[](const size_type i) constptstring [inline]
ptstring()ptstring [inline]
ptstring(const data_type *sc, size_type initlen)ptstring [inline]
ptstring(const ptstring &sc, size_type initlen)ptstring [inline]
ptstring(const data_type *sc)ptstring [inline]
ptstring(data_type c)ptstring [inline]
ptstring(const ptstring &s)ptstring [inline]
ptstring(const ptstring &s, size_type p, size_type len)ptstring [inline]
ptstring(size_type x, data_type f)ptstring [inline]
ptstring(const data_type *s1, size_type len1, const data_type *s2, size_type len2)ptstring [inline]
refcount(const ptstring &s)ptstring [inline]
replace(size_type p, size_type cnt, const ptstring &s)ptstring [inline]
size() constptstring [inline]
size_type typedefptstring
strrecsizeptstring [static]
substr(size_type position, size_type cnt) constptstring [inline]
substr(size_t x) constptstring [inline]
~ptstring()ptstring [inline]
Last Updated: March 12, 2003 (rlr)
Copyright © 2003 Eastman Kodak Company All Rights Reserved.